[The] "approach is a marked departure from the policies of Tony Blair and President George Bush." The new-found connection between Obama and Brown also carries echoes of the "shoulder-to-shoulder" relationship between Britain and the US. The joint approach with Obama also indicates Downing Street believes Obama is more likely to win the US presidential election than John McCain.
How will the Right explain this? Of course they will call al-Maliki an undercover Iranian even though they loved him up until this week. But what will they call UK PM Gordon Brown? A Paki? They do have good curry in the UK so it all makes sense now. Remember with the Right, it's always kill the messenger even though the message is always correct.
So the Right can't deny the message, time for them to kill the messenger. Watch out, Gordo! Although judging by the picture above, you're ready to get all Rambo on their ass.
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