According to the TV ad, because Barack does not believe in off-shore drilling, our dependence on foreign oil goes unabated and US citizens are left holding the high gas price bag. Domestic drilling is needed, according to McSame.

- An Energy Department report last year said "production would not start until 2017 and have no 'significant' effect on prices or supplies until 2030"
- McCain claims "some in Washington still oppose offshore oil drilling". Grandpa McSame opposed offshore oil drilling, most notably in his 2000 presidential campaign, until he reversed himself last month and called for a lifting of the 27-year federal ban on such drilling.
- There is no evidence that Obama opposes independence from foreign oil.
- McCain himself said last week that America's "dangerous dependence on foreign oil has been 30 years in the making".
So seven and a half years of the Bush administration has no effect on oil and energy prices? Running up massive debts? Bush’s ruinous economic policy? A war? A weak Dollar? Stroking unrest in the Middle East? No increases in MPG standards for US made cars? Or even how other countries effect our gas prices: India and China using more oil.
That is how out of touch McCain is, he thinks a Senator from Illinois has this effect on gas. Or his type in Washington is responsible for it. It's an example of playing the slimy politics card he claims to detest. He is just a weak man, desperate to slander Obama any chance he can. When you have no skills, you have to make others look bad so you can feel better about yourself.
The war hawks that crushed Iraq and stoke the attack rumors on Iran effect the price of oil per gallon. Every blip of news about attacking Iran drives up oil a few bucks. The under-regulated energy market, where speculation not supply and demand set price, totally screws us.
It's up to Americans to get smart about the gas situation. Just think if we had taken the trillion dollars we’ve spent in Iraq and spent in on alternative fuel sources.
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