Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Alaskan Executive Experience

According to Republicans, almost all who have just met Sarah Palin, she has enough executive experience to be President. More than Barack they say. By that same argument, John McCain lacks the same experience. But why would conservatives let their blind faith let a blaring hole in their argument stop them?

Now this executive experience of Palin's is so potent she has to be holed up in Alaska with her handlers and take a multi-week crash course to learn federal issues and foreign policy in order to debate Joe Biden in the VP debates. She has to learn how to be a VP. Now imagine if she gets to be VP, she would need on-the-job-experience and, as McCain said, she would have to be "introduced to Washington." She would need to know A.) what her job is, B.) know how to do her job and C.) meet all the people she'll be doing that job with. Sounds like a failure to me.

So to wrap up, Palin's not even qualified to be VP yet she was experience to be President? Republicans know she's not ready for a job they want her to do, thus the VP training session she's in, but try to point out she's qualified for an even harder job like President.

That's Republican logic for you - saying someone is qualified for a job they can't do.

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