Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Poor Judgment Followed By Damage Control

What the selection and subsequent scandalous background of Sarah Palin highlights about John McCain is that McSame, like Bush and his hard-headed selfish agenda, is willing to make decisions without knowing all the facts and then spend the whole time trying to shove a square peg of rhetoric into a round hole of truth. Rather than admit that the landscape has changed, that facts have made the debate different, McSame and Republicans just spout off as nothing has happened.

Last week experience was the key, this week it's a "breath of fresh air" to be clueless.

Who is Barack Obama is replaced with get to know Sarah Palin.

John McCain left big decisions to the last minute, did not fact check, picked a dubious outcome, and then has to convince both his base and the opposition that this is a good thing. This is not a good sign for a potential top executive. Hey, surprises are great! I meant to not know.

Bush has attacked intellect for the last 8 years, now McCain is attacking common sense.

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