Monday, September 15, 2008

Lack Of Tranparency

I keep hearing about the smart guys on Wall St losing so much money because of a lack of transparency and greed. Lehman Brothers and AIG are the biggest victims today making the news cycle, but I see this in a broader symbolism, as a mirror of the Republican mindset under Bush and Cheney. They used secrecy, shadow governments and "black ops" to get their agenda past the masses in an attempt to grab as much power as they could. Like the unregulated markets they champion, the GOP tried to exploit their collective lack of oversight, at the same time changing the three branch rule of law to tip in their favor through enhanced presidential powers [Unitary Executive Theory]. Bush would never call out Rumsfeld or Condi Rice as failures, Cheney's power was protected by all. They were living a dream where facts went unchecked and loyalty trumped competence.

And just like the old Wall St companies being brought to their knees by this lawless hubris, the Republican brand will enter a moral Chapter 11 for the next few years, destroyed by Bush/Cheney leveraging the Rove-style politics of culture wars and not properly using risk analysis with their foreign policy that has trapped the US in costly endless wars. The value they has in 2000 and 2004 are like worthless paper these days. The Republicans used margin buying on 9/11 and exponentially used fear to stay in power. Those days are over.

America expects more and their mandate will bring Barack Obama to the White House.

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