Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain Advisor Rips 'SNL' Skit

So the McCain campain, via advisor/surrogate Carly "HP Flunkie" Fiorina, says the SNL skit, yes the SNL skit, the other night was "sexist, in the sense that just because Sarah Palin has different views than Hillary Clinton does not mean that she lacks substance." Sexist? Two women being different is sexist? Or is she calling Hillary a man? So by Fiorina's remarks, to not be sexist, is she saying that Palin deserves a pass from any accusations of lack of substance because she's a woman? But that's what you get when your campaign slogans are divorced from reality: a campaign surrogate on auto pilot who doesn't know when the "sexist" card applies and when it doesn't. The incompetent woman doth protest too much, methinks.

The Washington Monthly points out:
"And in this case, if Palin was presented as superficial and lacking substance, it might have something to do with the fact that she's never heard of the Bush Doctrine, doesn't know that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac didn't receive tax dollars, doubts that human activity is responsible for global warming, thinks entitlement reform has something to do with finding "efficiencies" at the "agencies," and to date hasn't demonstrated any expertise in any area of public policy."
Zing! A sketch comedy show pwned you. Carly responds to SNL skits now. Pop culture mockery flusters the GOP. Just a few weeks ago McCain himself was justifying his Paris/Britney smears by calling them funny and light. Lighten up Grandpa.

Washington Monthly article

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