Thursday, October 09, 2008

McCain's Plan Buys Bad Mortgages. Huh?

John McCain: poor judgment, bad on the economy, more of the same.

via The Washington Monthly, more on Mr. Erratic:
He said it wasn't a time for blame, and then blamed Obama. He was for and against the AIG bailout on successive days. He pushed Chris Cox's firing, then dropped it. He wanted a commission to study what had gone wrong, and then never mentioned it again. He "suspended" his campaign 10 days after the crisis began, but never actually put his campaign on hold. McCain has simply gone from one ridiculous notion to another, flailing around, looking desperately for something coherent to say.

On Tuesday night, during the debate, McCain unveiled yet another idea, explaining that he wants the Treasury to buy up bad home mortgages. At first blush, it was hard to know if there was anything new about the proposal at all, but as additional details were released yesterday afternoon, the picture of an awful policy emerged.

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