Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sheriff Mike Scott: Republican Racist Of The Day

Republicans have no problem having this bald racist police officer talk at their rally in Clearwater, FL with Sarah Palin. Afterall, she's a good Christian evangelical, lot's of Jesus flowing those veins.

On it's own, no big deal, he used Hussein. But together with all the race-baiting that Palin uses in her speeches, the "pallin' around with domestic terrorists", the Republicans have gone too far. They've lost the plot, completely played they "we're white, he's black" card in the Deep South.

They would never have done this up North. Cops in the South, cops like this guy, Sheriff Mike Scott, a freakin' Sheriff, sound like they have so much contempt for people of color, that he could get in front of this crowd, in uniform, and almost make it sound like he would punch Obama if he could. Watch this short video and feel the Republican love:

If this does not give you chills as to what a Republican administration under Sarah Palin and John McCain, pulling the racialist sh*t non-stop in the waning days of their desperate campaign, nothing will. What is this 1950? Looks like he wants a lynch mob, no joking, this dude looks jacked.

Sheriff Scott is running for re-election this November, I hope he gets voted out. Could I guy like this protect Obama when he's President. The conservatives of Clearwater, FL are probably rooting for this guy.

Source: Fort Myers News Press

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