Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Palin Crowd Yells "Kill Him"

Republican Lynch Mob. At the time, Palin said nothing to condemn the outburst. Running a relentlessly negative, breathtakingly dishonest, anger-driven campaign, McCain/Palin enjoy adding to the racial tension down South.

The Republican candidates are not literally calling for violence against their political rivals, but they're nevertheless standing by, saying nothing, while their supporters are shouting words like "kill," "terrorist," and "treason" at their rallies.

Republicans used to control their intolerant masses. Rudy Giuliani gave a speech in 2006 when he was interrupted by a supporter who said terrorists reminded him of Democrats. Giuliani stopped and said, "Time out. The other thing we have to learn is that we can't get into this partisan bickering. The fact is that Republicans and Democrats have the same objectives.... Democrats are loyal Americans. Republicans are loyal Americans. I think we have better answers, but we have to respect each other."

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