Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fox: We Report, We Get Marginalized

WaPo's Harold Meyerson writes a tongue-in-cheek open letter to Faux News' Roger Ailes. Written as a mock warning, it ultimately thanks Ailes for using Fox to ruin the conservative movement.
"The election has left the Republican Party reeling, its base shrunk to those Southern, Plains and Mountain West states where rural cultures still predominate. The party's smarter strategists are arguing that the world views of the social conservatives and free-market extremists who dominate the GOP are either irrelevant or ridiculous to voters in the middle of the political spectrum.

But Fox has won its viewership precisely by promoting such obsessions."
Adding why Fox still has viewers AKA NASCAR fans:
"The past two elections, Republicans have grown weaker everywhere but the white rural South -- the region that remains the least educated and least diverse."
The final zing coming in his sign-off:
"And to think that you're doing all this not on the Democratic National Committee's dime but on Rupert Murdoch's.

Cheers from your new fan,
Between Fox and hate radio stalwarts like Rush and Hannity heading the RNC ship, I'll take "Another 10 Wasted Years" for 100, Alex.

Source: WaPo

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