Friday, November 14, 2008

A Ticket to The Hague for Dick Cheney?

Gene Burns, one of the nation’s most popular talk radio hosts, has an epiphany.
"And then I saw Torturing Democracy.

And I’m afraid, now that I have seen what I have seen, that I was wrong about that. It looks to me, based on this documentary, as if in fact we have engaged in behavior and practices at Guantánamo Bay, and in these illegal renditions, that are violations of the international human rights code.

And I believe that Dick Cheney is responsible. I believe that he was the agent of the United States government charged with developing the methodology used at Guantánamo Bay, supervising it for the administration, and indulging in practices which are in fact violations of human rights."
For years Burns dismissed accounts of torture, he now believes that some international human rights organization ought to open an investigation of the Bush Administration.

Interestingly, PBS also found that it had no network space for Torturing Democracy until January 20, 2009—the day the Bush Administration decamps from Washington.

Source: Harper's

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