Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama: Change "Comes From Me"

I could never in a million years see Bush giving a press conference like this, let alone three days in a row. Democracy has returned.

At this segment, a reporter, Ed Henry, asks a tired right wing talking point “What do you say to your supporters looking for change?" to which Obama dismantles the conventional wisdom "Clinton retread" of the day:
"It would be surprising if I selected a Treasury secretary who had had no connection with the last Democratic administration because that would mean the person had no experience in Washington whatsoever. And I suspect you would be troubled and the American people would be troubled if I selected a Treasury secretary or a chairman of the National Economic Council…who had no experience whatsoever."
So yeah, you may recognize the names, but you have to “combine experience with fresh thinking.” Obama nails it:
"But understand where the vision for change comes from first and foremost. It comes from me. That’s my job — is to provide a vision in terms of where we are going and to make sure that my team is implementing it."
Check it:

Lazy journalism and dull logic implies that if you worked for Clinton, you must want to keep his 1992-2000 policies alive. Not the case. These appointees work for Obama.

And unlike Republicans who leave office to run corporations, then come back into politics to reap the rewards and make serious money off their connections, these appointees are mostly still in government working for the people.

The buck stops with Barack. Ed Henry, consider another job.

Source: ThinkProgress

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