Sunday, November 23, 2008

Woodward: Bush Does Not Debate, Getting Briefed, Doing Homework

Excellent post at ThinkProgress:

The Chris Matthews Show had Bob Woodward on discussing the differences between Obama and Bush. In a nutshell, Obama is intellectually curious, Bush is not [ and his right wing authoritarian cult worshippers admire his degree of anti-intellectualism].
Asked by Matthews to explain why Bush “shows little intellectual curiosity,” Woodward said it was essentially because Bush “doesn’t like homework”:
WOODWARD: "I think he’s impatient. I think, my summation: He doesn’t like homework. And homework means reading or getting briefed or having a debate. And part of the presidency, part of governing, particularly in this area, is homework, homework, homework."

A commenter points out:
"Bush is a classic wet brained, dry drunk. Always on edge - “impatient” - with too many destroyed brain cells, feeling sorry for himself because he can’t drink anymore, yet always thinking about having another drink.

The type of guy you wouldn’t hire to even mow your lawn because he’d f*** it up or leave before it was completed.

How we survived him being president (so far….) is simply amazing."
Source: ThinkProgress

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