Monday, December 15, 2008

Bush's 'So What?'

Bush today expanded his guiltless-even-though-I-destroyed-everything asshole rejoinder, "So what?", from Cheney's equally dickish "So?" from a few months back.

George, you've just been called out for having 100% wrong reasoning for pre-emptive war. So what? I'm sure some soldier's parents appreciate that quip. Watch this video and feel the uncontrollable need to punch someone in the face.

The interview was with ABC’s Martha Raddatz.
BUSH: One of the major theaters against al Qaeda turns out to have been Iraq. This is where al Qaeda said they were going to take their stand. This is where al Qaeda was hoping to take–

RADDATZ: But not until after the U.S. invaded.

BUSH: Yeah, that’s right. So what? The point is that al Qaeda said they’re going to take a stand. Well, first of all in the post-9/11 environment Saddam Hussein posed a threat. And then upon removal, al Qaeda decides to take a stand.
The mind of a fool. Is he that dumb to not know? He's beyond cognitive dissonance.

So his point is: after you attack someone not responsible for the initial strike and they take a stand, then you have to fight them because they took a stand.

It's justified as long as you sprinkle a little al Qaeda on top.

Source: ThinkProgress


lucius0729 said...

A good LIAR sticks with his lie even after getting caught. That's GW's story and he's sticking to it.

Anonymous said...

Bush is really a dipstick. Isn't he.

Anonymous said...

Well, so what, we got the oil didn't we?

Anonymous said...

What do I think?

I think that Bush and Cheney should have been put on trial as part of the impeachment process, but AIPAC ordered Pelosi and Hoyer to stand down because it would have opened up a huge can of worms from the period of before 9-11 through the invasion of Iraq.

The answers would be at minimum highly embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah,and in the meantime it was a good excuse to shread the Constitution. Remember the Constitution? It's gone. No longer a contract between the PEOPLE and the government. Flushed down the toilet. Bush used it to wipe his ass. Sorry! All you dead soldiers died for nothing. Hooah!
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
Which one are you?

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