Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oxycontin Charges On Palin's Baby Daddy's Mama

I know it's tough to say, and maybe not right, but say it with me, "dirt bag".
WASILLA, Alaska — Wasilla resident Sherry L. Johnston, mother of Bristol Palin's boyfriend, faces a Jan. 6 court date for an oxycontin-related arrest at her home by Alaska State Troopers.

Little additional information was available Friday on the case as authorities remained unusually tight-lipped about details. But Palmer court records listed Johnston's scheduled court date and a troopers spokeswoman said in a release late Friday afternoon that the charges "are in relation to the drug oxycontin."
I wonder if fellow drug runner Rush Limbaugh has any comments?

You can't buy class. You can't put lipstick on a pig. Humbling.

Source: McClatchy