Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bush In Full Denial Over Katrina, Still

"Don't tell me the federal response was slow," Bush said in regard to Katrina. OK. How about it didn't exist for a few days. You abandoned an entire city. Part of the reason you had 30,000 rescues that you brag about is that you totally left everyone there to die. What about the elderly that drown at the nursing home?

BTW, he called them "helicopter and Coast Guard drivers". S my D, George.

Campbell Brown: "Mr. President, you cannot pat yourself on the back for that one," she then said. "We will debate the war in Iraq, debate national security, the economy, and the rest of your legacy. Those debates will continue for years to come. But on how you handled Katrina, there is no debate."

Source: HuffPo

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