Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Virgin Visions? Shudupaya Face

Your made-up story is not official until the biggest maker of tales, contradictions and venerations of hysterical visions approves you. They need to figure out true and false claims? All miracles shall happen according to their book of rules? No exceptions.

Here's a heads up, broseph, they are all false.
Catholics who claim they have seen the Virgin Mary will be forced to remain silent about the apparitions until a team of psychologists, theologians, priests and exorcists have fully investigated their claims under new Vatican guidelines aimed at stamping out false claims of miracles.

The Pope, Benedict XVI, has instructed the Congregation for javascript:void(0)the Doctrine of the Faith, formerly the Holy Office of the Inquisition, to draw up a new handbook to help bishops snuff out an explosion of bogus heavenly apparitions.
The Catholics are very good about telling people to keep quiet, especially little boys. Control issues.

Too bad they can't stop the "Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese" from being sold on eBay.

Source: HuffPo

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