Monday, February 02, 2009

Barney Frank: Biggest Gov't Spending Program Will Be Iraq War

Sen. Barney Frank keeps spending in perspective. The conservatives hate when we spend stimulus money on Americans to create jobs and boost consumer demand, but those same GOP-ers didn't seem to mind blowing all that money, over a trillion dollars, in Iraq where we got nothing but debt and deficits.

And just as Frank destroys this round table discussion with the truth, the host George Stephanopoulis cuts him off, saying that is too big a subject and needs a separate show. Why can't we just admit that the war in Iraq and tax cuts are why we are here now. Bush cut taxes and stared 2 wars. Somehow we're too proud to admit that mistake now?

via ThinkProgress:
The Wonk Room’s Pat Garofalo notes that while the Iraq was was financed with borrowed money and turned “a budget surplus into a record deficit and debt,” the economic recovery package will “boost consumer demand and put people back to work, while simultaneously investing in long-term strength through infrastructure, health care, and education.”
Source: ThinkProgress

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