Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Haters: Just A Bump In The Road

Whoever got us into this mess, surely is not going to get us out:
"When Barack Obama launched his presidential bid in Springfield, IL, here's what he said: 'I know I haven't spent a lot of time learning the ways of Washington. But I've been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change.' The irony? The folks that have caused him the most trouble in the last two years have old Washington hands like Jim Johnson, Bill Richardson, and Tom Daschle. If President Obama listened to his own rhetoric, he would have avoided all three embarrassments. He's been making the case of changing the ways Washington did business, and NOT relying on old Washington hands is one of the ways to avoid old mistakes."
This is a process that is very hard to change but in due time will happen. You need some experience to learn from and, unlike the deniers of the previous Bush Administration, Obama will admit when he is wrong.

Source: First Read

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