Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Michael Steele: Government Doesn't Create Jobs

"And first off the government doesn’t create jobs. Let’s get this notion out of our heads that the government creates jobs. Not in the history of mankind has the government ever created a job,” - newly elected RNC chairman Michael Steele.
None. Ever. How absurd. Wiki "New Deal" or "WPA".

As a guy who served as Lieutenant Governor of Maryland from 2003 to 2007 he would have to be pretty deceptive in making this statement. Or maybe his job was not created, it was an immaculate conception, and money just appeared in his bank account. Just like the millions of firemen, police, teachers, military, CIA, FBI, and countless contractors who represent the roughly 30% of the US population who work in Government or Government-related/funded jobs.
Excluding education and hospitals, State and local governments employ about 8.0 million workers, placing them among the largest employers in the economy.
As a Republican he would have no idea about Blackwater going from a million dollar operation to over $1 billion in contracts.


Bureau of Labor Statistics

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...which is why it's prudent to bear in mind that no matter how imperfect a Democratic bill, the Republican legislators will make it worse. Their base is dumb people & rich people, and those elected to Congress tend to be both -- dumb & rich (George Bush) -- and consequently careless, at best, of the interests of the nation.

The Constant Weader at www.RealityChex.com