Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Obama's Bulls Game Highlights Key Distinctions With Bush

Two things about this story of Barack Obama going to see his Chicago Bulls play the Wizards the other night. Policies aside, these are simple observations about the men, not their politics.

First off, it's the President going to see an NBA game. Pretty cool.

1. It's Friday night, Barack is out at game. Our previous President would be home in his PJs dipping pretzels into his milk, planning another long vacation at the ranch. Bush could not stay up past 9pm.

2. He's having a casual beer. It's always been a useless guide to likability, but I would enjoy sitting next to him, as is this child, over a cold one. Our previous President was an alcoholic and can not drink for the rest of his life due to his uncontrollable addiction to booze and other illegal substances like cocaine. Those facts aside, I don't think that stopped Bush, who never had proper counseling in his alcoholism, from self-medicating the past few years.

Maybe they are minor differences to you, but to me they highlight how we now have a full functioning man as President. We have a true man of the people, not some sheltered, flawed baby boy living in his bubble.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooo.. Obama WATCHED a basketball game. I'm supposed to be awed by this? I see G.H.W.Bush at EVERY Houston Texans game. G.W.Bush OWNED a baseball team.