Monday, March 30, 2009

Tea Bagger Fail Of The Day

From a March 27 "tea party" in Hartford, CT. May want to use spell check next time. Or is that too liberal? Must feel good when you and your buddy can't spot the misspelling, then appear in papers across the country.

And the lady with the "not my wealth" sign. Are you mad at Bush losing 40% of your wealth in his last year alone? Are you looking for sympathy because you have wealth?

Say what you will about the 3% taxes Obama looks to let return to the top 1% of the country under Bush's tax plan, they don't cause your 401k to implode or complete industries to fail.

Glad your anger is in the right place, you have such great awareness of the situation. Your sign should instead read, "not my sense of entitlement".

I know you're punch drunk from Bush, but now you're just swatting at air with these feckless tea parties. And "going Galt"? You have centuries of uplifting literature and stories and you pick an Ayn Rand character who drops out of society when the going gets rough to exemplify your current attitude? Grow a pair.

Ask the person you bought those cool shades from if you can also buy a clue.

Source: CrooksAndLiars

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