Thursday, April 02, 2009

Right Wing Media Get Queen iPod Story Wrong

Conservatives in media are dicks. The latest? The Queen of England had an iPod from 2005 is their "embarrassing" fact. God knows nothing has changed with in iPod in 4 years. They defo had the iPod Touch 32Gig video with Wi-fi back then. I'm sure she can access the AppStore with her 2005 iPod.

Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity and the rest are complete dicks about it and completely in over their heads about simple iPod features. Something, as they would say, a 5-year old or someone with Google would know. Makes their freak-out and "outrage" so trivial. 100% made up story reported as news.

You had 8 years of Bush acting and speaking like a jackass and this is what your report on as "embarrassing"? You have our President leading the G20, the market is up massively, the global outlook is picking up, America is getting its standing back in the world and you run with this bullshit?

Watch the video and see the Queen requested it, and the Queen's former spokesman said the Obamas "scored a hit". Besides the iPod she also received a signed copy of Rogers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma, her favorite show.

Somehow that missed the Fox News hacks.

Source: DailyKos


Anonymous said...

Besides the iPod she also received a signed copy of Rogers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma, her favorite show.


Anonymous said...

So says the White House staff.

I do not believe that she asked the President of the United States to bring her an IPOD. She is the wealthiest woman on the planet; if she wanted an IPOD she would surely just send someone out to pick one up for her, not ask the leader of the (temporarily) free world to bring her one.

That’s just total BS and you are foolish to believe it. I honestly cannot see the Queen of England telling the President what gift she wants.