Friday, April 03, 2009

House And Senate Pass Obama Budget

That's teamwork on behalf of a party who wants to overhaul health care, energy and education. The Democrats said the budgets reversed what they portrayed as the failed economic approach of the Bush administration and Republican-led Congresses. It's getting harder and harder to argue with pragmatic liberalism. Do you have a teleprompter or iPod "outrage" you want to report on, conservative media?
"It's going to take a lot of work to clean up the mess we inherited, and passing this budget is a critical step in the right direction," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said. "Staying true to these priorities will help turn around the economy for the many Americans who are underwater right now."
It figures real change will come without any GOP votes. Conservatives want to "conserve" what they already have. Any change in the stacked deck or status quo is an attack. They see suffering and unsustainable situations and immediately figure on how a tax break for a super wealthy person would be the solution.

Source: HuffPo

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