Thursday, April 09, 2009

Obama Commencement Follies Make Me Laugh

Notre Dame invites President Obama to give the commencement and get an honorary degree. The founding Holy Cross priests are upset because Obama upholds the laws of the land including legal abortion and stem cell research.

Here's two points I found funny.

First, George W. Bush gave the commencement a few years ago as sitting President. The guy who starts wars and kills innocent women and children, the guy who instituted the torture-era in America, the guy who is a reborn and thinks Catholics are all going to Hell, a reborn who thinks the Pope is a joke, he is not in conflict with the Catholic church?

Second, a few days before ND, Obama is giving the commencement at Arizona State University, but they are denying him the honorary degree.
"It's our practice to recognize an individual for his body of work, somebody who's been in their position for a long time," Sharon Keeler, an ASU spokeswoman, told The Associated Press. "His body of work is yet to come. That's why we're not recognizing him with a degree at the beginning of his presidency."
Really, ASU? Not sure of his body of work? First black President was a gimme I guess. Come back when you've done something with yourself, Barack.

I think you need a Arizona address and a heartbeat to get in to ASU. They are the mental equivalent of a Girls Gone Bad DVD which, come to think of it, probably features quite a few ASU grads.

Source: MSNBC

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