Saturday, April 11, 2009

Reagan Records To Be Released

250,000 pages cleared for release. Bringing change to Washington.
President Barack Obama is ordering the release of nearly a quarter of a million pages of records from the Reagan White House that were kept from the public during a lengthy review by President George W. Bush.

The Reagan documents - which include presidential briefing papers, speech writing research materials and declassified foreign policy records -- are expected to be released Monday.
George W. Bush dragged his feet? You must be kidding. He's such an over-achiever.

This is convenient:
"Representatives of former President Reagan objected to the release of those documents and were backed up in almost all instances by lawyers for President Bush"
Funny how the conservatives see releasing 20+ year old documents as an attack on Reagan. Is the truth going to destroy the Reagan legacy? What are you afraid of? Selling arms to the Ayatollahs, death squads in Latin America, astrologers in the White House?

Source: Politico

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