Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Don't Believe The Hype

Ezra Klein has a comforting view on the GOP filibuster bluff:
"A Supreme Court nomination is an important story. But it is not necessarily a dramatic one. The last nominee to actually be defeated -- Harriett Miers was withdrawn, remember, and withdrawn due to conservative unrest -- was Robert Bork. And he was a conservative choice facing a Senate with 55 Democrats. Sotomayor is a Democratic president's nominee who will come before a Democratic Senate... If Sotomayor falls, another Democratic nominee takes her place, with similarly left-of-center positions, to be voted on by a Democratic Senate... As opposed to an issue like cap and trade or health reform, where the defeat of a bill might mean the death of the effort, this is not, in the long-run, an issue that Obama can lose."
Just like everything that Obama has gone through to date, the media will play up how much "opposition" is out there, both on the left and right, second-guessing and questioning his rationale, and in the end it will go through with ease and be seen as the logical choice.

I guess that 24-hour news cycle needs its conflict, whether real or fiction.

Source: WaPo

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