Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Opposing The First Hispanic SCOTUS Justice?

Greg Sargent ponders Obama's pick, Sonia Sotomayor, for Supreme Court:
"First question: How do Republicans oppose the first potential Hispanic Supreme Court justice, given their much-vaunted outreach to Latinos in 2006 and 2008, the losses the GOP has suffered with this group given the party’s immigration stands, and the party’s desperate need to expand racially and demographically among such groups? The optics of GOP opposition here likely would look awful."
There is going to be a showdown between the moderate wing of the Republican party and the anti-immigrant/racist dipshit Palin wing of the GOP and how hard they pushback over her nomination will only highlight how monochromatic the all-white party has become.

You can lose a few people in your base over such things, but playing this the wrong way, which Republicans call "the usual" as of late, could lose an entire race of people. Texas may end up a Blue State after all this.

How do you say "bring it" in Spanish?

Source: The Plum Line

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