Friday, May 29, 2009

A Successful Week

via Taegan Goddard:

First Read assesses Obama's roll-out this week:
"Given this conservative divide over Sotomayor, could this week have gone any better for the Obama White House? Yesterday, we couldn't find a single elected Republican serving in Washington issuing any press release on Sotomayor. (Sure, Pat Roberts went on the record against her, but he's not the household name that should fire up the troops.) Instead, all of their focus was on debating the Obama stimulus package...The Sotomayor pick has just devastated the Republicans, split them worse than anything so far the Obama White House has done."
A breakdown:

calling her a racist.
Limbaugh calling her a racist and a bigot.
Rove calling her dumb and implying she only got where she is thanks to AA.
Tancredo calling her a KKK member without the hood.
Conservative bloggers complaining about the pronunciation of her name.

And then...
Cornyn calling Gingrich and Limbaugh "terrible".
McCain and Snowe complimenting Obama for his choice.
Almost every GOP Senator keeping his mouth shut.

Source: PoliticalWire

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