Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bill Maher On Henry Louis Gates

Bill's take on arresting a 58 year-old guy with a cane for disorderly conduct in his own house.
"I'm not even sure this is a racial situation because I don't know if this cop is racist. But I have to say it seems to me more like a police situation. I think Henry Louis Gates was arrested for the crime of not kissing the behind of the police officer."
Police are to be servants of the community. Not intimidating, brutes with inferiority complexes and barely a high school diploma. Ever see the police at a job fair or high school recruiting the top candidates? Nope.

Source: HuffPo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are such an elitist. I thought "class" was supposed to be a protected category like race, gender and sexual orientation. I guess not, as witnessed by your defending the upper-class professor who bellows in rage at the peon before him “You don’t know who you’re messing with.”