Thursday, July 30, 2009

Boston Cop: "Banana Eating Jungle Monkey" Not Racist

Justin Barrett, a Boston cop and National Guardsmen, sent an email to the editor of the Boston Globe and to colleagues at the National Guard calling Henry Louis Gates a "banana eating jungle monkey."

He claims he was not being racist. His remarks were published.

Barret then wrote the Globe writer with these choice words: "You are a fool. An infidel. You have no business writing for a US newspaper nevermind detailing and analyzing half-truths."

"Infidel"?. What a great word to use. Conjuring up Al Qaeda. Well played.

The National Guard suspended him. The "language contained in the e-mail violates policies of the Massachusetts National Guard and what it stands for in its commitment to uphold and protect the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Constitution of the United States."

Can't say a racist cop in Boston surprises me. If these is what he says in emails, just think what is said in private.

Source: RawStory

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