Saturday, August 01, 2009

An Intervention Is Needed For This Obsession

Bill Maher talking about "birthers" and how this "diluted, time-wasting Right Wing obsession" needs to be killed. "Dummies talking to other dummies" and cranks like Lou Dobbs highlight America's polite tendency to give the "special" people in the community more room than they need.

See a pattern? GOP obsessed on Clinton and Whitewater. Now it's Obama and a birth certificate. All pre-Presidential items used as distractions. They have to find something from the past because they have nothing in the present.

But with Bush, they could never see his past as an insight into what kind of guy he would be: lifelong C student, cocaine user, horrible business man, drunk until he was 40, never finishing his National Guard duty, fake Christian, Daddy Issues with zero respect for other points of view, the list goes on. And low and behold he is the worst President ever.

The GOP judgment is so off, I wish it were laughable, but it's much more sad, almost dangerous.

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