Saturday, September 04, 2010

GOP Revisionism Has To Stop

Here are two facts for the Right Wing to remember:

  1. Nazis in WWII Germany were Right Wing. They denied the rights of minorities and discriminated against certain people in their country, demanding they carry papers with them at all times: does that ring a bell?
  2. The Republicans fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s. In fact, when LBJ, a Democrat, signed Civil Rights into law, most Southern Democrats immediately jumped parties and became Republicans.

So jump to 2010.

  1. You can’t label Left Wing political parties and liberal-minded thinkers as Nazis or fascist. Those are Right Wing ideologies. Just because your base is not smart enough to tell the difference does not give you the right to completely lie about it.
  2. You can’t reclaim a Civil Rights movement you were, and have been, diametrically opposed for the past 50 years. It is not yours to take back because you never had it. And never will. Again, if your base is too ignorant to understand these facts, it does not give you the go ahead to completely make shit up.

Stop the lying and willful misinformation. You have more in common with Right Wing dictators throughout history then you care to remember and you despise equality of all kinds, ranging from race to gender to economic to your most sickly addiction, religion.

As a Nation we need you to own up to your past, not completely forget the facts of who you are. Part of why we can’t move ahead is because you can’t admit to what you have done. Not looking for a massive apology, just know on a personal level where you stand.

Posted via email from


Anonymous said...

The facts:

1. Liberals hold political principles that are similar to those found in many fascist regimes: a desire to form a powerful state that coordinates a society where everybody belongs and everyone is taken care of; faith in the perfectibility of people and the authority of experts; and everything is political, including health and well-being. Did you know the Nazis were strong promoters of organic foods and animal rights, fought against large department stores, and promoted antismoking and public health drives.

Today's liberal brand of fascism is different from fascism of the past because today’s left are pacifists rather than militarists; their plan is to nanny, not to bully.

So stop throwing around the lame GOP=Nazi claim.

2. You claim that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 are the triumph of Democrat President Lyndon Johnson. But in fact, both bills enjoyed much wider support among Republicans than Democrats. Over 80% of Republicans supported those two bills, while Democratic support was in the low 60s. The key member of Congress who helped carry those bills was not a Democrat, but a Republican, conservative Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois. Southern Democrats had conducted a filibuster against the bill. Dirksen and the Republicans helped break the filibuster.

So who is the revisionist?

Anonymous said...

There is more to it than the numbers picked in the response above. The first number is yea the second is nay. There were a lot more Democrats voting than Republicans. Seems more North/south than Republican/Democrat. (southern states refers to the eleven states that made up the confederate states of America during the civil war. Northern refers to the 39 other states)

The original House version:

* Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7%–93%)
* Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0%–100%)

* Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%–6%)
* Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%–15%)

The Senate version:

* Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5%–95%)
* Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0%–100%)
* Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%–2%)
* Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%–16%)

Douglas Vicenzi said...

The second comment points out that facts are useful when talking about history.