Friday, September 03, 2010

Squeezing the Middle Class and Getting Away With It

"So why, then, is the middle class mad at the poor rather than the rich? This is an ironic side effect of the American Dream. Poll after poll, generation after generation, has shown the same thing: most Americans imagine themselves getting rich one day, not poor. They are far more worried about protecting their potential future wealth than worrying about their declining current condition—much less about becoming poor. In addition, Americans have an innate sense that rich people earned it—they did the work, they had the ideas, they should keep the money. This is, of course, sometimes true, but vast amounts of the wealth in the US is inherited by people who did nothing to earn it. The idle rich abound, and are really, really idle."

The Middle Class has to come to grips that the "American Dream" does not always have them becoming millionaires. The real Dream is living in a great society that allows all to pursue happiness. And for that happiness to take place, we all play our part. We don't pass the buck onto the next generations.

The Middle Class can't let identity politics divide them into groups of "us" and "them". United we stand, divided we fall.

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