Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bob Barr Takes On McCain

The Libertarian candidate Bob Barr is John McLame's new bugbear. In the video he takes on McSame's "Maverick" moniker. Seems he's not a fan. Barr's supporters are pushing to have him included in the upcoming Presidential debates. Not the greatest video, but, it does has Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Simple Kind Of Man" as its music bed.

Some Bob Barr factoids:
Married 3 times. He failed to pay child support to his first two wives, (To his credit, Barr did pay for his second wife's abortion, though she still suspects he was cheating on her.)

In 1998, Barr gave the keynote speech at the national convention of the Council of Conservative Citizens; a hate group that routinely denigrated blacks as "genetically inferior," complained about "Jewish power brokers," called homosexuals "perverted sodomites," and accused immigrants of turning America into a "slimy brown mass of glop." He claims he was not aware of the group's history.

While trying to impeach Bill Clinton on moral grounds when there were photos floating around of him licking whipped cream off of strippers chests at his inaugural ball. I'm sure McCain has those ready to roll out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I appreciate you slamming the republicrats (because there is lots of material there), but I can't believe that you still have faith in the democrat party which is every bit as corrupt.