Wednesday, August 13, 2008

McCain Is An Idiot

McCain is running his "I'm The White Guy" campaign in his usual way, into the ground. Obama comes out with and ad showing McSame voted the same as Bush 95% of the time. A logical assessment, likening a vote for McCain as a vote for Bush, and thus, bad government. The Maverick forgets that they keep records of his votes. Another Grandpa moment I guess.

So in response, quick-draw McSame fires back at Obama saying “In the Senate, Barack Obama has voted in lockstep with President George W. Bush nearly half the time.” What does "nearly" mean? So over half the time Barack voted against Bush. The majority of the time.

Now remember the McCain campaign also argues that Obama is the Senate’s biggest liberal. [That is the conservative catch-all phrase that frightens dim people. It's like saying someone is the biggest philosopher or humanitarian, the Right have demonized a good quality much like Ivy league schools which Bush is a graduate of x2, Yale and Harvard]

The McCain campaign argues that Obama has “voted in lockstep” with Bush and is the biggest liberal. Oddly enough, they’re making both arguments at the same time.

h/t to

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