Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Conservative Double Standard

FoxNoise fake newsman Sean Hannity is a clown. He goes after John Edwards and his affair, and rightfully so. It's big news for him to slam a Democrat. Plus, Edwards is a public figure, his marriage is open to discussion.
Hannity: “If you can’t keep a promise to your family, can’t keep a promise to your wife, you’re having an affair, you’re lying about the affair repeatedly. Why should the American people trust you when you say you’re not gonna lie to them? Why should we trust you?”
The only thing is, as Alan Colmes pointed out, John McCain did the same thing to his first wife.
Colmes: Excuse me Sean. You’ve had your chance to speak, I’m up. John McCain cheated on his wife, right. Amanda? So how do we trust John McCain? He cheated on his wife, why do you have a double standard and John McCain’s running for President? John Edwards is not. John McCain’s wife was in a car accident. John McCain’s running for President, what about his affair?
See it for what it is. Two men had affairs. Why is one OK and the other one a deep insight into the flawed character of a man who can't be trusted?

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