Friday, August 15, 2008

Cranky McCain Hates Social Security But Loves The Money

In honor of the 73rd anniversary of President Franklin Roosevelt’s signing of the Social Security Act, the New Mexico Democratic Party attempted to sing “Happy 73rd Birthday to Social Security” outside of a McCain campaign office, “only to have the birthday cake thrown in the trash by the campaign”

A perfect metaphor for Grampy McSames’s approach to Social Security policy.

So if McSame has a strict constructionist philosophy, to faithfully apply the law as written, not impose his opinions, why does he want to destroy Social Security? For 73 years Social Security has been the way of life for Americans, the accepted norm. Is it McSame's opinion, who, by the way is the only Presidential candidate ever over 70, that Social Security does not work?

I have never heard a single social security recipient say they hated their checks. Oh! Maybe one:
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who received $24,000 in benefits last year, believes this system is an “absolute disgrace.”
It's so disgraceful he takes the money.

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