Thursday, February 26, 2009

CPAC: Politics For Idiots Or Diet Jeff Foxworthy?

Just in from CPAC today, Cliff "I eat paint chips" Kincaid, head of a conservative group Accuracy in Media, uses the tired "Obama is not an American" line. Good topic for CPAC amid all what is happening. Does he know Hawaii is a US State?

Would he object to John McCain being born in Panama?

Love when the Retard-icans use the "I have not seen his birth certificate" line. Have you seriously tried? Have you tried "the Googles" or "the internets"? I haven’t seen Palin’s or Bush’s or Boehner’s or Jindal’s birth certificate either. What a specious argument.

When Palin does not produce the birth certificate for her son, Trig, the CPAC crowd could care less. How about when George W. Bush failed to complete his Air National Guard duty back in the day? No record of that has ever been put forward. The CPAC crowd does not care for those, either.

When does Larry The Cable Guy or Jeff Foxworthy speak at CPAC?

Source: Think Progress

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