Monday, February 23, 2009

Helping 99 People Instead Of 1

It almost sounds like a joke set-up, "did you hear about the Republican who voted against the largest tax cuts in history?" No punch line, it's the truth.

Obama passes the largest tax cuts in American history -- $282 billion over two years -- without Republican support. Just as importantly, unlike other recent tax cuts, this one was targeted specifically at working and middle class families.

And if taxes go up on people making over $250,000, you know every Republican is going to sound the alarms as if the largest middle-class tax cut in American history never happened.

Helping 99% of the people over the richest top 1%. Democrats vote for it, Republicans vote against it. That's what it is all about.

Source: Washington Monthly


Anonymous said...

Yes and that whopping $13 dollars a week will buy me one large Starbuck's latte. Thank you liberals. The Silent Majority

Anonymous said...

I too will help the economy by spending my 13 dollar on getting pepperoni on my weekly pizza once again, along with a glass of domestic beer.
Of course next year when it drops down to 7 dollars, I'll have to give up either the pepperoni or the beer.

Douglas Vicenzi said...

You guys are so good at predicting the future. You'll get $13 and you'll buy coffee with it. But it's going to be silly lattes becuase that joke is still funny.

I wonder how good your skills were over the years? You must have predicted the collapsed economy under Bush and you thought WMD were really there in Iraq and we just couldn't find them.

Not saying Dems are the magic bullet, but to have your tone of sarcasm after completely shitting bed the last 8 years is laughable.

But keep up the comments, I appreciate it. Really.

Anonymous said...

The premise that this is a tax cut at all is the real joke.

Obama is giving a tax credit to people who do not pay federal income taxes. He is giving people back their Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes now instead of when they retire.

Seventy percent of the people who file in the top two tax brackets, or "the people making over $250,000", are small business owners. Raising taxes on them will lead to increases in unemployment and higher prices on the goods and services they provide.

So enjoy your $13 because the price of Obama's plan is going to cost you much more per week than that.