Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Man With A Plan

The Center Left has arrived.

My simple take on the speech: we have a smart man in charge with Obama. Dealing with his inherited problems will test his mind, but he seems up for the challenge. When Bush entered office, he inherited a budget surplus of $128 billion from Clinton. Upon Bush leaving office, he bequeathed a budget deficit of over $1 trillion to President Obama.

I like the way Obama logically breaks down how is going to change things, what he hopes to change, what he has already changed. His mandate is palpable.
"We will rebuild," he declared, "we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."
Which only made Piyush "Bobby" Jindal's response sound that much more childlike. Sucks to follow Obama, but he sounded amateurish. Bobby, you brought up Katrina? The GOP has to remember Bush is gone, you can use big words and talk like a grown-up now. We're adults.

In one word, I'd sum it all up as Ali G would say [sic], "REKOGNIZE!"

Full transcript here: Source: HuffPo

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