Saturday, February 14, 2009

The GOP Are Boys In A Man's World

When George Bush gave away rebate checks, $300/$600 checks in 2001 and $600/$1200 checks in 2008, they were sent out with no plan. They just wanted stimulus.

When Bush signed $700 billion TARP in 2008, the original plan on 3 pieces of paper and the vanishing first $350 billion, were all indicative of Republicans who just throw money at problems.

Now that Obama has a plan, shows where the money goes, helps people get back to work, builds things, looks at the flawed banking system, addresses the needs of the lower and middle classes, now all of a sudden the Republicans are against spending in favor of tax cuts.

If I don't have a job, what does a tax cut do for me?

The GOP represent people and corporations with money. They work for people who inherited their wealth. Fair play to having the right genes. In turn, all they want to do is protect the money and wealth they already have through tax cuts. These "tax cut myths" are part of the failed trickle-down system the Republicans used that created the problem we are in, as well as, our historic income disparity. It doesn't work.

Remember when Bush and the Republicans sent pallets of freshly printed cash to Iraq to help grease the wheels over there? Or when they paid Afghans cash to bring in "terrorists" and they all ended up being just regular people turned in for the bounty?

The history of wasteful spending is indelible on the GOP. The faux outrage now over the stimulus is completely and morally bankrupt.

America needs help, they need a plan and they need it soon. It also takes hard work, something Bush and Republicans just don't know how to do. The Obama Administration has a plan and the will of the people. They are also upfront about the cost and commitment it will take.

So GOP stop obstructing and think up new fear tactics to scare your base. Sell them your nightmares and do your best to sucker punch the newfound hope America has, but step out of the way of this Administration. You seem to think the Government can't help out. Maybe you should get a new job.

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