Monday, February 09, 2009

GOP Habits Die Hard

Rush Limbaugh declares war on Obama, Dick Cheney declares torture legal, Dick Morris declares treason on his own party. Just another day for the GOP.
"Old habits die hard. The deal on the stimulus bill, if enacted, would be a major victory for President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and above all the American people, who are devastated by the economy made disastrous by the policies of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Dick Morris's charge of "treason" against the handful of centrist Republicans who remain proves the misjudgment of mindset of a party that is run by hardcore partisans, right-wing talk show hosts and Herbert Hoover economists.

Perhaps Morris's charge of treason will induce Republican centrists to join the Democratic Party. No doubt his advice, if followed, would lead to 63 Democratic senators after 2010, or maybe 65. The Republican "alternative" to the Obama stimulus would have meant virtually no stimulus at all, cutting the overall program in half, and of the paltry portions that remained in the Republican "alternative" most of the money would have gone to tax cuts. This is a formula for depression for the nation and more disaster for Republicans."
Like their neo-con patriarch Leo Strauss, Rush, Dick and Dick are fighting make-believe threats, attacking people's natural desire for liberalism, all the while spreading fanciful nightmares for political gain.

Source: The Hill

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