Thursday, February 12, 2009

Judd Gregg Said Fast Is Jugghead

Senator Judd Gregg [R-NH] steps down when his country needs him and I'm supposed to feel bad as a liberal Democrat that the Republicans are the worst modern political party ever.

I wonder if he saw this bailout coming? It's only been front page news for 8 months. Now all of a sudden he pulls out? Pressure from your party? Serving your party is better than serving your country. Good, let your Bush loyalism destroy you even after he's out of office.

And a history of undercutting minority rights? As chairman of the Senate panel overseeing the Census Bureau budget Gregg frequently sought to cut funding that led to an undercount of minorities. You are conservative after all. That will go down in history well. I'm New Hampshire is so proud of you.

Get your resume together, Judd. And wipe the Kool-aid off your lips.

Source: HuffPo

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