Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Palin Not So Slick With Oil Prices Dropping

My you have a great "caught in the headlights" stare.

The days of milk and honey are over for Alaskans. Your State is losing massive revenues as oil drops in price causing a looming budget crisis and look who you have in charge to make all those tough decisions, the "drill, baby, drill" lady, Sarah Palin. How lame do those chants sound now?

With hopes of 2012 fleeting, this future one-term Governor to be should get out her George W. Bush "you know this is hard work"playbook. Start whining how difficult it is to govern when oil is not $145 a barrel. Giving out those rebates checks is easy when everyone else does the work for you.

When hard times test the mettle of a leader, that is when they either shine or come crashing back to Earth.

Prepare for impact.

Source: HuffPo

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