Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Republicans: The Fanatic, Irrational Minority

After four months of hard work, the leader of the Republican caucus in the state Senate backed a compromise measure that would have resolved the budget crisis in California. What do the Republicans do? They get rid of their leader and put in a less reasonable, more obstructionist one.

California Republicans are out to destroy the state. 1970s Republicans were paragons of bipartisanship in comparison with what we have today. They were within one vote of passing the budget, but they decided to go back to square one, almost inviting catastrophe.

The GOP fulfills it's own prophecy of failing Government being the root of problems by acting in the worst possible ways to ensure its demise. Why are we surprised? Why do we let them self-fulfill?

Source: Washington Monthly


Anonymous said...

The probelm with liberals is that they belive two erroneous axioms. 1. that republicans are a minority. and 2. that bipartisanship is agreeing with whatever liberals say. Both of these are dangerous, at least to the liberals. I think after the era of big spending heralded in by Obama liberals are going to find in the 2010 elections that conservatives are both rational and numerous. But please continue to bury your head in the sand. You will never see the truck that hits you.

Anonymous said...

So the out of control social spending in California isn't a factor?
It's all the Republican's fault?