Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bristol Palin Pre-empts Eventual Jerry Springer Show

And now we have this to deal with?!

Seems Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have had enough of trying to pretend they like each other and have called off their marriage. It's nice having a choice, isn't it?

Levi's sister, Mercede Johnston, told Star: "Bristol's just crazy. That's the nicest way I can put it. She and Levi actually broke up a while ago!"

All that homespun sex ed and their religious beliefs of raising children in a family sure speaks volumes of certain wacked-out Alaskan governors.

With her first two kids as high school drop-outs and one of them a single parent living at home, good thing Sarah Palin is not the kind of person who routinely assassinates other people's character.

Source: Radar

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