Friday, March 13, 2009

Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest, Erickson

This is the Republican Party.
"We have a guy who ran a ponzi scheme that stole billions of dollars from people to fund God knows what. Granted the American people elected him President, but compare what Barack Obama is doing to what Bernie Madoff did and I fail to see a substantial difference beyond Obama having a “mandate” from voters and Madoff not having one. Both Madoff and Obama have put people out of work. Both Madoff and Obama have destroyed the financial health of lots of people. Both Madoff’s and Obama’s schemes have convoluted accounting schemes designed to obfuscate the criminal mismanagement of other people’s money. The difference is that Madoff did it to powerful billionaires who are now millionaires. Obama did it to the rest of us," - Erick Erickson, Redstate.
Obama has destroyed so much according to this genius. I guess Bush has done nothing. The $1 trillion Bush spent on wars, while racking up the most debt ever, that's sound finance. It's that damn Obama, after 50 days in office, who fucked it all up. Obama forced Bush to buy Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, he forced Bush to federalize the banks and buy up AIG last year.

Madoff's ponzi scheme is the same as the President, Vice-President, the 535 members of Congress and the collective millions in local and State governments acting under the Constitution, enforced by the Supreme Courts and thousands of State and local courts? That is crystal clear, Erick. You don't even have to explain it to me.

And throwing around "criminal" as if Bush and Cheney will not be history's poster boys for illegal activities while in office. Well played.

Erick, even your audience of social and financial cretins deserves better.

Source: Andrew Sullivan

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