Monday, March 09, 2009

The GOP: Taking "The Least I Could Do" Next Level

If politics were sports and Congress was the Major Leagues, the GOP is your local vocational high school's JV team. Yeah, they play, but they suck and have way too much attitude.

From the World Bank:
"The global economy is likely to shrink this year for the first time since World War Two, with growth at least 5 percentage points below potential. World Bank forecasts show that global industrial production by the middle of 2009 could be as much as 15 percent lower than levels in 2008. World trade is on track in 2009 to record its largest decline in 80 years, with the sharpest losses in East Asia."
The Republicans' response, eschewing any hard work, think the government should "go on a diet", a spending freeze. Let things fail.

The Dems have to be bipartisan with that?

Source: World Bank

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