Monday, April 20, 2009

Boehner: Try To Explain Reality To My Confused Activists

From this weekend, House Minority Leader John Boehner's (R-Ohio) discussion with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos:
STEPHANOPOULOS: [O]n the issue of taxes, I think it's 43 percent of people who file taxes pay no income tax at all. For the middle fifth of taxpayers, they're paying just about 3 percent in federal income tax this year.

BOEHNER: Well, you want to go out and explain that to the hundreds of thousands of people around America that showed up for these rallies.
Boehner suggested Stephanopoulos should try to "go out and explain" the relatively low tax burden, we'll call them the facts, "to the hundreds of thousands of people" who attended far-right rallies last week. In essence, do my job, but do it the correct way. What a challenge. You really showed him.

And take it one step further, he wants George to go out and explain the truth to the misguided conservative activists so the confused John can continue to not understand the facts and spread his deception.

Source: ABC News

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